ArtistBritish National Opera Company/Heddle Nash
LabelDivine Art (27805)
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Picture of Double CD of The British National Opera Company performing Cav and Pag in an original recording from 1927
After over 70 years, these are still among the most riveting and dramatic performances of Cav and Pag. They were the first complete opera recordings made in the UK by electric technique and the sound quality is amazingly good.

On the initial release of Pagliacci, The Gramophone was moved to say, "This is not a reproduction. It is the real thing," and went on to praise the performances in superlatives.

Questions from customers about 1927 Recording of Cav and Pag with Heddle Nash

Susan asks: Is it sung in English translation by Fredrick E Weatherley?
Sarah Rodgers answered:Yes, that's correct.

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