Composer | Donald Bousted |
Artist | Kathryn Bennetts/Peter Bowman |
Instruments | descant recorder, treble recorder and tenor recorder |
Label | QTR (QTR CD 07-98) |
"a series of tiny masterpieces. Wonders on so modest a scale tend to be in short supply these days." The Wire
"fascinating gem of a disc." Avant
"Remarkable recorder music . . . made such an impression . . . really new and significant . . . breathtaking . . . totally gripping and convincing." The American Recorder
"masterful performance - (meisterhaften Einspielung)" Tibia (Magazin für Holzbläser)
"Bennetts and Bowman are a truly incredible pair on recorders the sounds are uncanny, wild and a million miles from your expectations . . . Bousted is a major new arrival in British microtonal composition . . . his music has great elegance, wit and substance." British Harry Partch Society
"Bousted has attempted to develop a new "tonality" and sound world . . . through a carefully worked out quarter-tone system ... an excellent addition to our contemporary repertoire." The Recorder Magazine (Sheet Music)
"Bennetts and Bowman perform well. Their intonation is superb and their tone is well-matched. Since listening to this recording and becoming more familiar with the quarter-tone language, the piece holds more and more interest. It is challenging, but becomes more accessible each time one listens to it . . . the recording is compelling and ought to hold a place in every contemporary recorder player¹s collection." The Recorder Magazine (CD)
"Bereits beim ersten Hören wird deutlich, dass Bennetts und Bowman ein fest eingespieltes Interpretenpaar bilden. So findet man ein optimales Gleichgewicht zwischen den beiden Instrumenten, eine Selbstverständlichkeit in der Verwendung von Vierteltongriffen sowie eine Präzision im zeitlichen Verlauf . . . Durch die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Komponist und Interpreten ist eine überzeugende Fassung entstanden, bei der die Intentionen des Komponisten voll zum Ausdruck kommen." It is clear from the very beginning that Bennetts and Bowman are a strong and experienced combination. Thus one finds here optimum balance between the instruments whilst the use of quarter-tone fingerings as well as precision of tempo can be taken for granted. Through the close cooperation of composer and performers a convincing version has developed in which the intentions of the composer have been brought to full expression. Zeitschrift SAJM (Switzerland)
“Your comments about Kapustin are entirely accurate! I'm certain to be ordering much of it in the near future.” Ben, Lincoln, USA
“Thank you for the information and support. The order arrived today without any problems.” Denis, Sao Paolo, Brazil