ComposerAntonín Dvořák
ArtistGraham Johnson/Timothy Robinson/Delme String Quartet
Instrumentspiano, tenor, string quartet, piano, tenor and string quartet
LabelSOMM (SOMM CD236)

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Picture of CD of music for tenor and piano and for string quartet by Dvorak, performed by Timothy Robinson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano) and the Delme String Quartet

SOMMCD 236 - Timothy Robinson - Tenor, Graham Johnson - Piano, Delme String Quartet.

Dvorák never lost his love for his sister-in-law and this beautifully lyrical music, written in the heat of youthful passion, became an inspired source to which he kept returning in his later works.

Sung in impeccable Czech - a lovely recording in a very special category.

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Tracks on this CD

Antonín Dvorák 'Cypresses' - Songs for Tenor & Piano (1865)
1.1. Vy vrouci pisnê spêjte tou noci (Let ardent songs when night falls ring out)
2.2. V té sladké moci oci tvých (Overcome by your powerful eyes)
3.3. V tak mnohém srdci mrtvo jest (In many hearts 'tis still as death)
4.4. Ó, duse drahá, jedinká (O one and only soul so sweet)
5.5. Ó, byl to krásný, zlatý sen (Oh! What a glorious golden dream)
6.6. Já vim, ze v sladké nadêji (I'm sure, and hope sustains me)
7.7. Ó, zlatá ruze spanilá (O golden rose so beautiful)
8.8. Ó, nasí lásce nekvete stêstí (Never it seems will our love reach the heaven)
9.9. Mê casto týrá pochyba (My doubts that you may not be true)
10.10. Kol domu se ted'potácim (Round that house, your former dwelling there stagger I)
11.11. Mé srdce casto v bolesti (Pain and deep sadness beset me)
12.12. Zde hledim na ten drahý list (Here concealed in a book's pages lies that letter)
13.13. Na horách ticho a v údolí ticho (Everthing's still in the mountains and valley)
14.14. Zde v lese u potoka (I stand here in forest glade by the stream)
15.15. Mou celou dusí zádumnê bolestné dechnutí táhne (Deep in my soul I'm suffering)
16.16. Tam stojí stará skála (Where the valley comes to an end)
17.17. Nad Krajem vévodí lehký spánek (E'en now the countryside lightly slumbers)
18.18. Ty se ptás, proc moje zpêvy bourí (You have asked me why I sing)
Antonín Dvorák 'Cypresses' for String Quartet
19.1. Já vim, ze v sladké nadêji (I'm sure, and hope sustains me)
20.2. V tak mnohém srdci mrtvo jest (In many hearts 'tis still as death)
21.3. V té sladké moci oci tvých (Overcome by your powerful eyes)
22.4. Ó, nasí lásce nekvete stêstí (Never it seems will our love reach the heaven)
23.5. Zde hledim na ten drahý list (Here concealed in a book's pages lies that letter)
24.6. Ó, zlatá ruze spanilá (O golden rose so beautiful)
25.7. Kol domu se ted'potácim (Round that house, your former dwelling there stagger I)
26.8. Zde v lese u potoka (I stand here in forest glade by the stream)
27.9. Ó, duse drahá, jedinká (O one and only soul so sweet)
28.10. Tam stojí stará skála (Where the valley comes to an end)
29.11. Nad Krajem vévodí lehký spánek (E'en now the countryside lightly slumbers)
30.12. Ty se ptás, proc moje zpêvy bourí (You have asked me why I sing)

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