Angelus Novus
Kunihiku GOTO
inquisition/cloister - Nowaki no Mon
Sociological Japan
Katsuji MAEDA
Traces II
Takashi FUJII
Dancing Bones
STEPHEN PETTITT , The Sunday Times - April 2002 "The trombonist Barrie Webb, who instigated this collaboration with seven Japanese composers, deserves congratulation. One might think the trombone to be an unpromising solo instrument but, as Luciano Berio and Vinko Globokar have famously shown, it is capable of a huge range of tone colours and articulations, encouraging vastly different approaches. Each piece here - whether it's Takashi Fujii's jazzy Dancing Bones; Sociological Japan, Masato Kouchi's ironic take on his country's national anthem; Katsuji Maeda's prayer-like Intermezzo; Hiroshi Nakamura's Klee-inspired Angelus Novus; Tatsuya Hirano's meditative Alone; Kunihiko Goto's Inquisition/cloister; or Katsumi Yokoyama's Traces II, inspired by, of all things, a tome on cognitive psychology - is uniquely satisfying in its own way." *** (outstanding)
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“Thank you for the information and support. The order arrived today without any problems.” Denis, Sao Paolo, Brazil