ComposerJohn Hall/Jo Horovitz/Martinu/Penderecki
ArtistNigel Hinson/Nick Oliver
LabelVeloce Classics (VELCD9501)
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Picture of CD of music for clarinet performed by Nigel Hinson (clarinet) and Nick Oliver (piano).
CD of music for clarinet performed by Nigel Hinson (clarinet) and Nick Oliver (piano). Scaramouche - Milhaud, Petite Pièce - Debussy, Three Miniatures - Penderecki, La Campanella di Povo - Hinson, Sonatina - Martinu, Deux Esquisses - John Hall, Pocket-Size Sonata No.2 - Templeton, Arlequin - Cahuzac, Sonatina (3rd Movement) - Horovitz. "Hinson can produce a mellifluous, beautifully controlled high register ... enjoyably convincing"Joseph Horovitz. Veloce Classics VELCD9501

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Tracks on this CD

Milhaud Scaramouche
Debussy Petite Piece
4.Petite Piece
Penderecki Three Miniatures
6.Andante cantabile
7.Allegro ma non troppo
Hinson La Campanella di Povo
8.La Campanella di Povo
Martinu Sonatina
John Hall Deux Esquisses
10.Allant couramment, affable, un peux langoureux
11.Facétieux, éveillé, léger
Templeton Pocket-Size Sonata No.2
Cahuzac Arlequin
Joseph Horovitz Sonatina
16.3rd Movement

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