ComposerRobert Schumann
ArtistGeorge-Emmanuel Lazaridis
LabelSOMM (SOMM CD024)
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Picture of CD of piano music by Schumann performed by George-Emmanuel Laziridis
Twenty-three year old George Emmanuel Laziridis has been described as "an exhilarating soloist", "a genius at work" and an artist of "outstanding, world-class distinction". Born in Greece, after completing his studies at the Thessaloniki College of Music, he travelled to London to study at the Royal College of Music with Yonty Solomon. He graduated with distinction after winning all the major awards and prizes for piano. While in London, he also worked with Alfred Brendel, Ruth Nye and Paul Badura-Skoda.

Since 1986, he has been performing regularly in Europe and the USA, appearing at major venues and festivals and collaborating with leading orchestras.

"A musician of superlative artistry and a performer of outstanding world-class distinction" Yonty Solomon.

This recording is the first in SOMM NEW HORIZONS,a new series launched in April 2002.

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