ComposerTippett/Robert Saxton/Colin Matthews/Constant Lambert
ArtistNicholas Unwin
LabelMetier (MSV CD92009)
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Picture of CD of contemporary piano music, performed by Nicholas Unwin.
CD of contemporary piano music, performed by Nicholas Unwin. " a distinguished début recording." Gramophone, January 1996. Michael Tippett Sonata No.4 Unwin "has the challenge and the attendant rewards of Tippett's Fourth Sonata: the characteristic sonoroties, the spare lyricism and the formal ingenuities are spot on, and by the time I reached the apotheosis of Tippettian lyricism and the sonata's beautiful coda I was convinced that I have not heard this work better done." Gramophone, January 1996. Robert Saxton Sonata"Saxton's one-movement Sonata, seemingly much freer than the Tippett but in fact controlled through all its splendid pianistic gestures by a firm and quite perceptible thematic discipline, is also very perceptively played" Gramophone, January 1996. Colin Matthews Eleven Studies in Velocity"Unwin enjoys himself hugely in Colin Matthews's boldy virtuoso Studies." Gramophone, January 1996. Constant Lambert Elegy"The brief and ambiguous Constant Lambert Elegy, darkly vehement but bleak, is no less shrewdly characterized" Gramophone, January 1996.

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