A vibrant, magical world of sonoroties is evoked by five percussionists playing twenty instruments.
Sheet music for 2 trumpets and 2 tenor trombones with optional percussion
Sheet music for 2 marimbas, vibraphones or xylophones by Peter Mieg
Sheet music for 4 trumpets with optional timpani by Jan Zelenka
Sheet music for vibraphone and 5 percussionists by Siegfried Fink
Sheet music for 7 trumpets and timpani with optional percussion by Klaus Hochmann
Sheet music album for timpani and percussion edited by Siegfried Fink
“Your comments about Kapustin are entirely accurate! I'm certain to be ordering much of it in the near future.” Ben, Lincoln, USA
“Thank you for the information and support. The order arrived today without any problems.” Denis, Sao Paolo, Brazil