ComposerChristopher Bodman
PublisherAprès-Midi Editions
Printed sheet music
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Picture of Sheet music for piano solo by Christopher Bodman
Seven Waterfalls (2003).

Often monophonic, but either like Bach - with chromatic twists and turns, or impressionistic bordering on the modernism of the Second Viennese School.
Duration – 14 minutes.

‘Often dramatic, featuring monophonic counterpoint, the scores fall easily under the hands as they were written at the keyboard.’ - the composer.

Exciting to listen to. Grade VII - the scores look deceptively simple. Suitable concert work to blend in with a Baroque programme, ‘driving energy with neo-baroque inflections.’
Robert Robertson (Kings College, London).

Recording on CD: ‘Metamorphosis’ – by Margaret Lion, due to be released in July, 2004.

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